Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hello hungry followers.  In a mere 10 days, something phenomenal has happened.  It was kind of like Planet of the Apes, but instead of apes and humans, it involved Spam and sushi (and Katie, of course).  So how does one progress from spam to sushi?  Take note:

Katie's first Spam--hooray for processed/canned meat!

Now let's incorporate the processed meat into a hot dog roll....

And now onto the real thing.  This was Katie's first time eating raw fish (and second time ever eating salmon).

Presto!  Evolution from Spam to salmon sushi! 

Monday, May 23, 2011

What Tastes Better than Flesh?

Not sure if you heard the news, but the rapture and zombie apocalypse were a real threat this past weekend!  The Center for Disease Control even released a zombie preparedness guide, complete with what you’ll need to survive before making it to a zombie-free refuge site.  Details can be found here: http://emergency.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies_blog.asp 

Fortunately for Katie, she was prepared when the zombies did attack.  She stocked up with plenty of Nutella (and probably Cheez-its) in her emergency survival kit.  The hungry zombies came a-knockin’:

Katie responded as the gracious host she is; she whipped up some Snoqualmie batter pancakes, complete with Nutella and strawberries which are a zombie treat.

Katie kooking saved the day, and possibly the world.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who let the Dogs out?!

Last night was a big night.  Katie shortened her “haven’t tried it” list by eating her first Seattle Dog!   It had cream cheese and onions and was grilled to perfection. 

However, Katie pointed out the Seattle Dog has some tough competition with Tucson's Sonoran Dog, which comes wrapped in bacon.  Pictured here is a double (heart attack) Sonoran dog:

Which dog do you think tastes best?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cheese sammich, hold the mold

After Monday's dinner of cherry-flavored craisins (which was the inspiration for the blog), Katie has stepped up her kooking.  With limited groceries and unsalvageable mold-covered cheeses, Katie used shredded cheddar to make this delectable grilled cheese sammich.  Yes, sammich is now an official word in the dictionary (http://tinyurl.com/48ob8ra).

Now the question remains... If Katie has showed improvements from craisin dinner to preparing Grilled Cheese sandwiches, in a year from now where will she be?  Will she surpass grilled cheese to become the next Julia Child, boning the duck and preparing pate de canard en croute?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prologue 5/10/2011

Katie lives in a sweet condo with her Havanese dog in a happening neighborhood.  She doesn’t like many vegetables, has never had an Egg McMuffin, and loves cheese.  All of these interesting eating preferences and lively lifestyle, who has time or even wants to cook for one?!  Katie has developed eating habits that revolve around dinners usually taking less than 10 minutes of preparation.  This blog sets the stage for Kooking with Katie.